Child Newly Diagnosed With Celiac Disease? 4 Ways It May Affect Their Teeth

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If your doctor just diagnosed your child with celiac disease, this means they have a gluten sensitivity. Gluten is a combination of proteins that are found in wheat. It acts much like a glue that helps food hold its shape. You can find gluten in many different types of foods, such as soups, baked goods, breads, cereals, pasta, and salad dressing. Too much gluten in your child's diet degrades the lining of their small intestine, which is where nutrients are absorbed into their body from the food they eat. These nutrients are important for dental health. If your child gets too much gluten in their diet, it can affect their teeth.


An inability to process gluten can cause excess sugars in your child's saliva, which affects their teeth enamel. The extra sugar in your child's mouth attaches to the surface of their teeth, thus causing a greater chance of cavities. If your child is having a lot of cavities or needs lots of baby teeth extracted, this could be the cause. It is important that you take your child to a dentist to have these cavities fixed. If not, they will wear away at your child's teeth so much that a dental crown would be needed. Talk with a professional, like A Q Denture Services, for more information on extractions and reducing cavities.

Changed Enamel Color

Celiac disease can cause your child's teeth to have tooth discoloration. For example, they may turn yellow or brown, or they may develop spots; in some cases, the tooth may be translucent. They can have this strictly as a cosmetic problem even if they do not have any other dental problems. You may want to look into professional whitening or veneers if your child has become sensitive about the changing appearance of their teeth.

Tooth Defects

The lack of nutrients getting to your child's teeth and gum tissue can change the appearance of their teeth. You will most likely see this when their permanent teeth first come in. They may have an abnormal shape, or the teeth could be much smaller in size than they should be. You may also see deep horizontal grooves, very large pits, or shallow pits. Their enamel may feel rough if you run your finger across the front of their teeth. If your child's adult teeth haven't come in yet, it's best to help them get on track with a stricter gluten-diet so they reduce the chances of tooth defects. Many diets incorporate substitutions, like almond flour.

Inflammatory Gum Disease

Having a lack of nutrients in your child's body can weaken their immune system. This interferes with their mouth's ability to remove and fight plaque. As a result of this, your child may have problems with gum disease. If so, they will have swollen, bleeding gums. Make sure that your child is flossing every day and look into some multi-vitamins and probiotics to supplement their gut flora and immune system.

If your child is having any of the above teeth problems, take them to a pediatric dentist to be evaluated. They can help you come up with a plan to decrease the amount of teeth problems your child has.
