Do Not Be Misled By False Information: 3 Misconceptions Surrounding Dental Veneers
Have you thought about getting dental veneers to improve the appearance of your teeth? If so, you may have given the idea second thoughts as a result of hearing controversial information about the success of veneer procedures. The following are common misconceptions that people have about dental veneers. Reading over these may help resolve some of the concerns you have.
Misconception #1: Veneers damage enamel.
Cosmetic dentists have to file down some of the enamel on teeth prior to placing dental veneers onto teeth. This process is required because reshaping of the teeth enables the dentists to install the veneers in a manner that ensures they adhere and fit properly to natural teeth. The filing process involves only removing enough enamel to ensure a natural appearance to the mouth.
Misconception #2: Veneers are not ideal for long-term use and are easy to break and chip.
Veneers are an option that may last for 20 years as long as they are properly cared for. The misconception stems from the fact that veneers are manufactured from porcelain, but it is important to keep in mind that the designers of veneers aim to create tooth coverings that are durable. This means that the average person would likely not have a problem with breaks or chips in their veneers unless they experienced a mouth trauma incident.
However, people who grind their teeth and those who eat hard foods regularly such as ice or hard candy could be at risk for damaging their veneers. A mouth guard could help protect the teeth of people who have such a grinding habit, and a change in dieting should be strongly considered for people who favor hard foods.
Misconception #3: Veneers are easy to spot and look like "fake teeth."
Modern dental enhancements have aided in improving the appearance of dental veneers. Today's wearers have more options than ever for ensuring that their veneers look as natural as possible. For example, a person who desires bright white teeth can choose a white shade of veneers, and a person who prefers a more natural tooth color could opt for a shade that matches the color of their surrounding natural teeth.
A cosmetic dentist is a good resource to consult for any remaining concerns or lingering questions about dental veneers. He or she is also the best resource to use for determining whether veneers are the best smile enhancement procedure for you. Go to reliable dentists like Nittany Dental Associates to learn about what fits your lifestyle and budget.