2 Questions To Ask Your Dentist Before You Go In For Your Wisdom Teeth Removal

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If you are preparing for your wisdom teeth removal, it is very important that you know what is going on. This will help you to better prepare for the experience so that you feel more confident going in. It will also allow you to make plans according to what is going to happen. Your dentist will be happy to answer all of your questions before the procedure so just make a point to ask him or her all of these questions during your consultation or later over the phone. This article will discuss 2 specific questions to ask your dentist before you go in for your wisdom teeth removal.

What Type Of Sedation Will They Use?

Since different sedations are going to provide a different type of experience for you, it is important that you ask your dentist which one he will be using. If your dentist is using local anesthesia, then the anesthesia will just be used in your mouth near your wisdom teeth to remove any feeling from this area. You will be wide awake during the procedure, but will not feel any pain. The second type of anesthesia that your dentist may use is sedation anesthesia. This will be given to you via an IV and will make it so that you have very limited consciousness during the procedure. You likely won't remember much about it, and won't feel any pain. In most cases either local anesthesia or a combination of local anesthesia and sedation anesthesia are used. However, in some special cases general anesthesia is used via an inhalation mask or IV and you will lose complete consciousness. 

Are Any Of Your Wisdom Teeth Impacted?

 Having impacted wisdom teeth can change the procedure and your recovery a bit, so it is important to ask your dentist if any of your wisdom teeth are impacted. If you have an impacted wisdom tooth or teeth, this means that that tooth has not broken through the surface of your mouth because something is blocking it. Often times there may be another tooth blocking it or your jaw bone is in the way. Either way, these teeth are harder to remove. Your dentist will likely need to take more time with the removal to ensure that he doesn't cause any harm to the nerves in your gums or in your other teeth. Also, because impacted wisdom teeth can become infected easier, it is crucial that the removal is done after you have received antibiotics to remove the infection, if you had one. Recovering from an impacted wisdom tooth or teeth extraction may also take longer, due to the amount of stitches needed to close the extraction site. Knowing all of this information beforehand can really help you to feel confident in your treatment and recovery. 

To learn more about wisdom teeth removal, contact a dentist like Dr. Peter L Drob
